Design Series – Contemporary Interiors
When it comes to contemporary interiors just about anything goes. In fact, part of contemporary design is the implementation of style favorites from times long past. When walking into a modern home today one can see elements of Asian design and Scandinavian elements. This can be paired with details from the sixties and seventies fashion scene for an individual unique style. Here are a few tips that will guide you down the road, if contemporary design is your calling.
- Keep it comfortable. There have been many new fangled introductions to the design world. It can be very confusing, and very UNcomfortable. However, I always look for the comfort factor. No matter what it looks like it is a personal choice that should be based on your own personal comfort factor. Before going out and spending excessively on the “latest and greatest” design fad, you might want to consider visiting various showrooms for a “test drive”, or, preferable, consulting with a Design Professional. Their knowledge and experience will save you from making costly, and UNcomfortable choices.
- Keep it simple. Simple lines, classic neutral (or bold) colors, and minimal clutter are the key to achieving a contemporary space. This goes for both home and office settings. Simple will allow you to do the work at hand in your home office, AND will provide you with the atmosphere you desire in your personal space at home. A dash of color and the simplicity of one central focal point is all you need to feel at home in your work space of personal space.
- Be Consistent. Be consistent with the materials, colors and lines of your design elements. For example, if you choose to use Bamboo flooring in your kitchen, you might want to consider using the same flooring in the adjoining hallway, and even in the nearby bathroom and family room. The consistency of the material will make your space appear larger, and give the it a sense of style as well as a seamless, contemporary feel. The sample principle applies to the use of color. Be consistent the the “lines” of your furnishings as well. If using simple flat slab doors on you kitchen cabinets, try to avoid curvy, round hardware. If the legs of your dining chairs are tapered, you might want to consider using the same, or similar, leg on furniture that is nearby. Consistency pulls everything together, which in turn adds one more key factor for contemporary design.
The design of your space can and will affect the people around you. Keep this in mind when making your selections. You do not want things to clash and clutter your space, as this tends to be overwhelming to the senses. This is why modern contemporary design is so great. It allows for classic, aesthetically pleasing elements that give any room the sense of space and simplicity.